Žanras/genre: opera 2 acts
Instr.: sop-mez-ten-2bar-bass-ch-disc-2clB-2bn-4hnF-3tptB-3tbn-tba-timp-GC-piatti-perc-xil-hp-str.
libr. Giedrius Kuprevičius
Opera, kuria iki šiol niekas rimtai nesusidomėjo ir ji kantriai laukia savo rampos. Jobo teismas vyksta kasdien ir todėl operos kantrybė ilga. Libretas paremtas biblijinio herojaus Jobo drama, jo tikėjimo galios patikra, kurią atlieka Dievo įpareigotas Šėtonas.
This opera is still waiting to be staged. Nobody is interested in it, not yeat. Job‘s trials happen every day. The libretto is based on the Bible and Job‘s drama, the testing carried out by Satan obliged by God as to the power of Job‘s belief.
Opera – The Trial of Job Childrens Dance computer version 2002
Opera – The Trial of Job Elihu and Job Duetto computer version 2002
Opera – The Trial of Job Prologue computer version 2002